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Name:HeroScape 10: Champions of Renown
Manufacturer:Wizards of the Coast
HeroScape 10: Champions of Renown
Sir Hawthorne's blade cuts deep. But when the battle has ended, who's back will bear the wound?

Nerak and his Glacial Swog stalk the frozen battlefields of the icy north. His presence is inspiring. His guttural commands keep every grut sharp and focused.

Their writhing forms seethe forward with inhuman speed. The arrows of their enemies sail by them, always missing. They are legend. They are the Elite Onyx Vipers.

8+2 or more

We do not have HeroScape 10: Champions of Renown (WOC-45460) in stock at this time. Our buyers order products based on demand. Please let them know that you are interested in making this purchase.

HeroScape 10: Champions of Renown is also a part of the following sets:

HeroScape Expansion Set Wave 10: Thora's Vengeance/Valkrill's Gambit
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