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Name:HeroScape 4: Soulborgs and Elves
HeroScape 4: Soulborgs and Elves
Add the Power of Soulborgs and Elves to Your Army.

The Soulborgs: Hand-to-hand combat with these Gladiatrons can get ugly. When adjacent, their Cyberclaws can immobilize the enemy. And their Melee Defense power gives them extra protection in every battle.

The Elves: These fast-firing Aubrien Archiers can move in quickly and do serious damage. Their long-range Frenzy attacks can surprise the enemy with a hard-hitting double strike.

We do not have HeroScape 4: Soulborgs and Elves (HAS-12723) in stock at this time. Our buyers order products based on demand. Please let them know that you are interested in making this purchase.

HeroScape 4: Soulborgs and Elves is also a part of the following sets:

HeroScape Expansion Set Wave 4: Zanafor's Discovery
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